Sunday, April 29, 2012

Hahah , yeah right , went to Kepong baru carnival Saturday :) With 2 Fan qiong lao po <3 Syw & Ljw .
We wore long jeans  , yeah , I know I know , not my style . Usual I guai lan wore short pants , even though teacher say SHOULDN'T WEAR SHORT PANTS ><

We met a sohai teacher ? She holding a long cane and shout at us to buy coupon , if not , we can't in -.-
Ermm , HELLOOOOO ? I'm not from your school ? So can you speak gently and polite ! Damn ass .

There have many stalls , not like my school -.- Got strong PIBG but , all is soooooo selfish , giam siap (:
We saw mushmallows with chocolate on it , so attracting (¯﹃¯) but the price more attracting /_______\ RM4 for 4 biji !!!!!
Expensive daooooooo ?

Saw leng zai , really really leng zai xDD WAHAHAHAHAHAH
Gotta make it smallest , later Mr Egg saw eat vinegar again , he loves to eat vinegar :X

Sunday , went for a movie , Avengers <3
I love iron man , so humor <3 and impressive
It's a nice movie , but in front got abit bored .
Btw , I saw a pair of small couple kissed at cinema XD
我 duji 什么屁嗄 TT

我想什么屁嗄 TT
我不喜欢嗄 TT

吃醋的 boy boy 很可爱 - - <3

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Yerr , actually today going to Tesco to have subway with my wife de lorh ( •́ ⍨ •̀)
But they satu dua , do re mi not free -.-" satu balik kampung another one Bo lui , satu lagi  lagi sei == her mother said want spm ad , cannot hang out . LOL . What a good mother ? --

Saturday tuition , Lhk brought bread to tuition . Wow , she said she make it herself . Seriously unbelieveable :x Taste good laa <3

Now everyday hide in my room Skype Skype Skype , oh gosh ! I extremely miss him , I never had such feelings before (๑′ᴗ‵๑) SHY

Still got 200++ days to face spm , and still act like nothing .
Friends always ask , what you wanna be when you grew up ? (:
Ermm , seriously , I hate this kind of question , because I don't know how to answer TT
Everyone plan their future , except for me .

Recently , a guy makes me feel so PISSED OF !
Come on laa ? What man is this ?
Have childish minded !
Diao ni . Gentleman sikit laaaaa !
凸 !!!!!
我不是美人鱼 我不能保证我一定不会劈腿
但我会珍惜你 ❤ =3=

Monday, March 12, 2012

The day before sunway

Nothing special , just a short post ((:


Going Sunway lagoon tomorrow :D

Sooooooooooo daaaaaaaaaaaamn nervous !!!

Got insomnia the day before →_→
I woke up on 6am , lay on the bed for 2 hours and imagine our day :3

0h gosh ! I think I can't sleep today , CAN'T WAIT FOR IT !
Ready to see a panda and a gang of magalai in Sunway Lagoon XDXDXD

So tahi , many people is going ! Even Syw's bro is going !
People mountain people sea owh :o

诚若 以后只能给伤害

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Exam tomorrow , and I'm still relaxing in front the computer .
We had 2 times cold war within 5 days ., and the 2nd times , is on our 1st month .
Both of us had hot temper , really really bad temper !
HAA .., don't talk about it already ,. (((:

My pj teacher ! He call us to run a round the tennis court .
A gang of xiao jie , use to walk xD
The laosai teacher say ;
Kamu semua mengganggu saya mengajar orang yang hendak main . Kamu mau saya hantar kamu semua ke pengetua ? Kalau tak mau , pergi padang itu jalan , itu tiang sampai itu tiang
( Banyak tiang oh cikgu =.= )
After that , we went to the football field . As he say , jalan =.=
Like this also shuang ? Gila betul . zz
ARGGHHH ! The football field is wet and full of wet mud ! FffffffffffKkkk !!!
Make my shoes until like that ↓ ↓ ↓
HA ! That's mine and ljw's

Tuesday , we went to mcd makan makan , omg , banyak far -.-"
First time walk until sooooooo faaaaar :O
Hmmm , picture need to wait ljw kasi I :D
Wait Patiently ha ♥ :3

Mcd situ banyak leng zai owh =0=
Ada , amo leng zai , korean leng zai ♥.♥ dan lain lain
Why am I Malaysian TT
Why I'm not Taiwanese , Korean or Japanese ? TT Even amo also can (¯﹃¯) I don't mind .

My leg :$  Has a wound (.////.)
Actually that had no wound on it , but ..
my itchy hand go scratch scratch scratch , then become like that liao =.=

Macam mosquito bite hor -.- 

10 more days , be
Taaadaaaaaaaaa ~ XD

Amituofo , LJW gonna kill ME !! x_x
Your pet pet mao XDDDDDDD

壞絯孓蓖 , She drew that :X

我以后都不吃鸡蛋啦 !!! TT
我讨厌鸡蛋 !!! TT
哼 ╭(╯^╰)╮
啊哈哈哈哈哈 -_-
K yeng 的 shin-chan XD

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Time pass fast !
First exam coming ! GOSH !
I'm not ready yet !

0pppss ! My noob comp can't wrote Chinese -.-
So , I use English to instead .
Obviously , is campur campur punya English ! XD
Malaysian English ~
Cantonese campur Chinese campur lagi English campur lagi lagi Malay ! (๑´ ^ `๑)
My English SUCKS ! And my mom is gonna sent me to English Class -.-

Mom , can I can I don't ....
No ! Σ(  ̄□ ̄;)
Fineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ( _ _ |||
I haven't finish my words , she directly say NO !

Ljw taught me how to fold swam , I fold #LikeALaoSai !
Not my fault TT I had a bad sifu ╭(╯^╰)╮

If it hurt your eyes , go blame this sifu ,  壞絯孓蓖 ! XD

Tuesday I went for a tuition , and I forget to bring my pencil case ( ̄ε(# ̄)
I borrow a pencil from the teacher , guess whaattt ?!
The teacher gave me a really really really short pencil !

So giam siap weiii !!!

Two weeks more , a gang of Magali from kampung kampung is going to Sunway Lagoon AGAIN !
So NERVOUS !!! And of course excited x))))

Gaining fatter ! :((((
0ii ! Don't talk shit !
Always ate Tom Yam and Nasi Lemak in school !
Who won't be fat ?  Diettt ! Here I come !
But not in my holiday ! Kthanksbyee .

Friends asked me ;
He live far away from you
What is he doing , you won't know
You sure he can be trusted ?
Yess ..
He said he will take good care of my heart :')
If not I will CHOP him into pieces ! :

Saturday, February 18, 2012


要发霉了 =//=
我来救你了 BLOG ~~~~ XD

Wow , 情人节第一次收到花 :o
但是 一回到家就进了我的 o()o
悲哀的花 .___.

厚厚厚 最近严重缺钱 -______-
Bo lui TT
臭 KFC , 很讨厌你的咯
忘记我的食物  ̄□ ̄||
害我等到饱去  难怪会跟人家打架去  v.v 阿米豆腐
早知道酱 我宁愿去吃对面的 MAMAK DANG

—————————  S K I P  ——————————

Spm 还没过
就开始讨论 考完试要去哪里 -____-
弄到我心痒痒 (ε(#)
讨厌 T-T

最近厚 屁股痒想纹身 〒▽〒
但是厚 某人不给  〒▽〒
'' 给钱买痛 ''
又讲的几对一下喔 (
◕▫ )
我连打针都怕 何况是 .............................. 

我喜欢气死你 =3= 怎样 ?
打我啦 !

小时候 很单纯 简简单单就可以很满足了
长大了 想的东西越来越 很喜欢乱想 ..
人总是那么犯贱 ._.

I hope we'll stay forever this way
You're safe in my heart ♥ :)
Ily Tsh :3

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Midvalley + 学校 - (:

哇哈哈哈哈 XD
一早起床· 去· MIDVALLEY ~~~~~~~~ 拿工钱 :D
做 KTM 去 , 一想到真的是 可怜的 Mr chang (^)

一到当然去 Miss whatever 报到啦 XD
; Ehy ?! Kenapa kamu balik ?
:;Ambil ini ini $_$
; 0wh , saya ada banyak CHATIME owh
:; HAR (⊙ˍ⊙ ??
; Ya marh , sudah dapat gaji mau belanja chatime
; WAA ! Semua sudah jadi super star ?
:; Mana ada , LOL .

过后就忘了 :$
厚厚 !!
还有一个看到我们哭叻 :$
她好不舍得我们噢 :O
好心的我 给了她一张  TISU ◡‿◡✿
然后填辞职信 .___.
过后拿工钱 ♥.
一拿 , 厚厚的 拿纸出来 有 RM800+ 例 O.O"
我做 14天而已喂 TT 感动 ..

过后去 Makan Popeye 因为那个 LJW 一直喊饿 -_-
我跟 LHK 叫她去 Odder 先 我去 Heart attack 找 Misa x)))
好心去找她 她尽然捏我噢 T________________________________T

哼哼 讨厌你 :P
然后去 Popeye makan xD
很好吃下 ¯¯
还有那个臭 LJW -_- 刚刚讲饿
才吃一搞鸡 就讲饱 =0=
Mr chang 就讲 ; 她跟你们出去 就饿饿饿 跟我出去就 饱饱饱
他讲到几对下 .___.
然后他们两就去 SWEET SWEET , 我跟 LHK 就去看戏 XD
看 Mission Impossible 4 & The darkest hour 3D /_\
Mission Impossible 4 男主角很 ENG DAO !!!
The darkest hour 很恐怖 /__\
做料很多小时 做到我 sifat 痛痛 T^T

回家 , END :P

开学第三天 、 我就跟 LJW 中 PONTENG :O
几 PANAI 下 (Y) -.-

过后选课外活动 , KOKO , 人家台上讲话 我们台下讲话 (_) 哇哈哈哈哈哈
习惯就好啦喂 :D
咱们玩到没东西玩 -_-
去脱人家的 胸罩 .
LJW , 我不会说是你的 , 放心 ◡‿◡✿
有是好心的我 帮她扣回 XD
做隔壁的 BOY BOY 看着咱们全部 :$ 羞

厚厚厚 , 过后我忘记料 + 懒得写料 -_-V

噢丫 ,我决定减肥 (:

太多的承诺 只能换成伤害

需要用一辈子来证明 (: